Count number of ways to reach destination in a Maze
Given a maze[][] of dimension N X M, such that maze[i][j] = -1 represents a blocked cell and maze[i][j] = 0 represents an unblocked cell. The task is to count the number of ways to reach bottom-right cell starting from top-left cell by moving right (i, j+1) and down (i+1, j) in the maze....
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Number of integers in a range [L, R] which are divisible by exactly K of it’s digits
Given a range of values [L, R] and a value K, the task is to count the numbers in the given range which are divisible by at least K of the digits present in the decimal representation of that number....
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Maximum sum possible from given Matrix by performing given operations
Given a matrix arr[][] of dimensions 2 * N, the task is to maximize the sum possible by selecting at most one element from each column such that no two consecutive elements are chosen from the same row....
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Count no. of ordered subsets having a particular XOR value
Given an array arr[] of n elements and a number K, find the number of ordered subsets of arr[] having XOR of elements as K This is a modified version of this problem. So it is recommended to try that problem before.Examples:...
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Count all possible visited cells of a knight after N moves
Given the current position of a Knight as (i, j), find the count of different possible positions visited by a knight after N moves (in a 10 x 10 board)....
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Minimum length of Run Length Encoding possible by removing at most K characters from a given string
Given a string S of length N, consisting of lowercase English alphabets only, the task is to find the minimum possible length of run-length-encoding that can be generated by removing at most K characters from the string S....
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Maximum possible score that can be obtained by constructing a Binary Tree based on given conditions
Given an array arr[] of (N – 1) integers and each value arr[i](1-based indexing) is the score of the nodes having degree i. The task is to determine the maximum score of any tree of N nodes that can be constructed....
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Count all possible paths from top left to bottom right of a Matrix without crossing the diagonal
Given an integer N which denotes the size of a matrix, the task is to find the number of possible ways to reach the bottom-right corner from the top-left corner of the matrix without crossing the diagonal of the matrix. The possible movements from any cell (i, j) from the matrix are (i, j + 1) (Right) or (i + 1, j) (Down)....
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Maximum sum by picking elements from two arrays in order | Set 2
Given two arrays A[] and B[], each of size N, and two integers X and Y denoting the maximum number of elements that can be picked from A[] and B[] respectively, the task is to find the maximum possible sum by selecting N elements in such a way that for any index i, either A[i] or B[i] can be chosen. Note: It is guaranteed that (X + Y) >= N.Examples:...
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Expected number of moves to reach the end of a board | Dynamic programming
Given a linear board of length N numbered from 1 to N, the task is to find the expected number of moves required to reach the Nth cell of the board, if we start at cell numbered 1 and at each step we roll a cubical dice to decide the next move. Also, we cannot go outside the bounds of the board. Note that the expected number of moves can be fractional.Examples:...
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Count ways to remove pairs from a matrix such that remaining elements can be grouped in vertical or horizontal pairs
Given an integer K and a square matrix mat[][] of size N * N with elements from the range[1, K], the task is to count ways to remove pairs of distinct matrix elements such that remaining elements can be arranged in pairs vertically or horizontally....
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Count Subarrays with strictly decreasing consecutive elements
Given an array arr[] containing integers. The task is to find the number of decreasing subarrays with a difference of 1....
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